by Zojirushi
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Decorated with delicately drawn and colored flowers, this 700-watt appliance cooks up to 10 cups of rice and then automatically keeps the rice at the proper temperature for up to 12 hours. A locking lid ensures rice stays fresh and moist. Lights indicate whether the unit is in "cook" or "warm" mode, and turning on the cooker requires nothing more than pushing a lever. A nonstick coating on the cooking pan prevents rice from sticking, and the pan can be lifted out of the unit for cleanup. To eliminate clutter on the counter or in storage the power cord retracts under the unit. The cooker measures 12-1/8 inches in diameter and 12-7/8 inches high, and comes with a spatula, spatula holder, and measuring cup. --Fred Brack
Decorated with delicately drawn and colored flowers, this 700-watt appliance cooks up to 10 cups of rice and then automatically keeps the rice at the proper temperature for up to 12 hours. A locking lid ensures rice stays fresh and moist. Lights indicate whether the unit is in "cook" or "warm" mode, and turning on the cooker requires nothing more than pushing a lever. A nonstick coating on the cooking pan prevents rice from sticking, and the pan can be lifted out of the unit for cleanup. To eliminate clutter on the counter or in storage the power cord retracts under the unit. The cooker measures 12-1/8 inches in diameter and 12-7/8 inches high, and comes with a spatula, spatula holder, and measuring cup.