by Taylor Thermometers
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With over 150 years experience in measurement products, Taylor leveraged its extensive background to create this durable, easy-to-use kitchen scale. Displaying numbers and graphics clearly, the scale face is protected by a clear scratch-resistant lens permitting viewing while keeping the measurement wand safe. Narrow lines encircling the dial clearly mark small quantity increments allowing for precision accuracy. A removable square bowl with sloped edges traps foods safely inside and protects countertops from spillage. With a glossy black finish, the durable bowl rests evenly on scale platform and is dishwasher-safe. Flexible enough to accommodate quantities up to 22 pounds, this scale exceeds the needs of most household kitchens.
Taylor Precision 3880 22 lb/10 kg Kitchen ScaleTaylor Precision 3880 22 lb/10 kg Kitchen Scale Features:; 22 lb capacity; Slanted dial with bold, easy-to-read graphics; Scratch resistant crystal clear lens and an extra-large dishwasher safe bowl.