by Bunn
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Bunn developed the first commercial paper coffee filter, so we know consistent paper porosity and filter structure is critical to delivering that same great-tasting cup of coffee to you, every time. These home-brewer filters are designed to eliminate overflow and are continuously checked to assure proper porosity, flowrate, and structure. Produced and packaged for freshness and purity, all filters are 100-percent pure virgin fiber and are tested to meet all FDA requirements. Both the box and filters are 100-percent biodegradable. Filters measure 2-3/4 by 3 inches.
Bunn developed the first commercial paper coffee filter, so we know consistent paper porosity and filter structure is critical to delivering that same great tasting cup of coffee to you, every time. 100% Biodegradable. Tested to meet all FDA requirements. 2.75'' x 3'' home brewer filters. For 8 and 10 cup Bunn coffeemakers. Fits most other automatic drip coffee brewers for the home. 100 filters per box.