by Escali
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The Escali Alimento series digital scales are equipped with highly accurate durable sensors and are perfect for kitchen, office, and laboratory use. The 136DK Alimento model features a removable stainless-steel platform, a big display, and easy-touch buttons. With a 13.2-pound capacity, this Alimento scale accurately measures in 0.1-ounce or one-gram increments. The tare feature subtracts a container's weight to obtain the weight of its contents, and an automatic shut-off ensures long battery life. The removable stainless-steel plate makes cleanup quick and easy. One heavy-duty 9V battery is included (optional 110v AC adapter available), as well as an operations manual. This scale measures 9-3/4 by seven by 3-3/4 inches.
The Escali Alimento digital scale is equipped with highly accurate durable sensors and is perfect for kitchen, office and laboratory use. The scale features a removable stainless steel platform, big display and easy touch buttons.