by EatSmart
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The EatSmart Precision Retro Kitchen Scale is a versatile multifunction home appliance. Designed to be highly accurate with a cool, classic look, the Precision Retro is manufactured to the highest quality specifications. Weigh items up to 11 lbs quickly and accurately, displaying easy to read results on the Retro's oversized 5" dial display. The add-and-weigh simplicity of the Retro allows you to add as little as one ounce at time, giving you the flexibility for a variety of jobs around the home.
Place food items directly on the 1.5 quart stainless steel mixing bowl, which easily removes for convenient mixing of items on the countertop, ideal for basic cooking and kitchen needs. The included stainless mixing bowl is 100% dishwasher safe, making for quick and convenient clean up. The 5" dial display provides for easy viewing angles on any kitchen counter and the four rubber feet eliminate sliding of the unit even on the slickest counters.
Best of all, the Precision Retro's economical price makes it a phenomenal value as well. Get yours today!