by Riedel
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Renowned Austrian glassmaker Riedel designs the shape of each glass to most fully enhance the appreciation of the liquid within. Shaped like diminutive wine glasses, these two glasses are made especially for enjoying port, and, in particular, vintage port. The bowl is just wide and tall enough to allow the fruity sweetness of the port to taste its richest. Thin-stemmed and broad-based, providing just the right mixture of delicacy and stability, each port glass stands 6-1/2 inches tall and holds 8-1/2 ounces at full capacity. The set makes a superb wedding gift or adds to an existing collection for the serious wine and spirits drinker.
Comprised of more than 24 percent lead crystal for superb brilliance and clarity, Vinum stems and cocktail glasses are nevertheless affordable because they are machine-made rather than mouth-blown. Riedel introduced the popular Vinum line in 1986 and this particular glass in 1991. While all Vinum glassware is dishwasher-safe, Riedel recommends washing the crystal by hand to prevent detergent residue that can affect wine taste. --Ann Bieri
The dishes are put away, and it is time to pull out your favorite port to top off a wonderful dinner. Your guests will enjoy these Riedel Vinum Port glasses over great conversation, and perhaps a bit of chocolate? These glasses highlight the rich fruit and sweet characteristics of port. The Riedels continue to call on the industry leaders when designing a new glass, and, during a series of tastings conducted in London and Austria, some of the world's greatest port experts selected this glass as the ideal shape for vintage port.