by Haier
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The Basics: This regal wine cellar has the capacity to keep 35 bottles of your favorite whites, reds, and champagne at the ideal temperature. Automatic settings for red and white wine make it easy to select the temperature that¿s best for aging and enjoying a fine beverage. Your bottles will be supported by five flat wire vinyl-coated storage racks and two half-depth racks. Wine will be preserved at 75% humidity with no condensation, to ensure the perfect taste for every sip. But the best feature of this wine cellar is the Dual Zones. The Dual Zones: This wine cellar is equipped for the wine drinker with varied tastes with an adjustable dual electronic flex zone. It has two zones with independently controlled thermostats, so you can keep different kinds of wine at their precise recommended storage temperatures. Each zone has a range from 39° F to 65°F, and a dual-function LED readout displays the temperatures clearly and accurately. With this great feature, you can store red wine and white wine, two different reds, or two different whites, and have them ready to enjoy to the fullest at the perfect temperature. The Look: Tall and sleek, this wine cellar will add a note of sophistication to every kitchen or home bar. It has a flat glass door with a subtle blue gray tint, highlighting your collection in a soft glow from interior lighting. The tinted glass is outlined with a shiny silver trim. The handle on this unit is recessed, providing a smooth and uniform appearance. No matter where you put this wine cellar, you¿ll be eager to show it off and display your wine collection with pride. The Features: We know that your wine is precious to you, so we put in features that ensure it will be safe. If the temperature in the wine cellar is too high, an alarm will sound to warn you.