by NewAir
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Store up to 12 bottles of your best wine under optimum conditions with the NewAir AW-121E! This thermoelectric wine cooler features a premium stainless door trim with double paned, tempered glass. The NewAir AW-121E is also unique in that it's compact enough to fit on a countertop or table. Additional features include a digital display for accurate temperature control as well as soft interior lighting that gently illuminates your wine collection.
Stylish Design
The NewAir AW-121E features a modern design. Its stainless steel door, black cabinet and premium chrome plated shelves accentuate any decor.
Digital Temperature Control
This 12 bottle wine cooler has an adjustable digital thermostat, allowing you to store just about any wine type under optimal conditions.
Interior LED Light
The NewAir AW-121E wine cooler's interior LED light illuminates your wine collection without creating unnecessary heat.
Thermoelectric Cooling Technology
This wine cooler has a thermoelectric cooling system with no compressor. This results in quiet operation with minimal vibration.
Chrome-Plated Shelves
Premium chrome plated shelves not only look great, but also prevent excessive vibration and sediment accumulation.