by Riedel
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Sometimes even a wine connoisseur can't tell the difference between a red and a white wine when the color is obscured. This all-black, opaque glass from Riedel's renowned Sommeliers line hides the color of a wine to keep a tasting blind. Riedel's only black glass, the blind taster makes an excellent gift for an oenophile, a fun gift for a group of friends with which to experiment, or starts an elegant set.
Made in Austria by acclaimed glassmakers, the Sommeliers line is mouth-blown of 24-percent lead crystal for exceptional clarity and brilliance. While clarity is not an issue with the blind tasting glass, the fact that the glass is made by hand gives it a delicacy and fine balance that would otherwise be missing. This particular glass measures 8-7/8 inches tall, holds 13-3/8 ounces at full capacity, and comes handsomely packaged in a single gift tube. Sommeliers crystal should be washed by hand to ensure longevity and to keep the glass surface free of detergent residue that can affect wine taste. --Ann Bieri
Designed for blind tastings, this Riedel Sommeliers sleek "blind-blind " black glass tasting glass conceals the wine for successful taste testing .