by Chicago Cutlery
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Chicago Cutlery Basics Poly 25-Piece Set includes 1-Each 3-Inch paring knife, 1-Each 4-Inch vegetable slicer, 1-Each 5-Inch utility knife, 1-Each 6-Inch boning knife, 1-Each 8-Inch bread knife, 1-Each 8-Inch slicer knife, 1-Each 8-Inch chef knife, 6-Each 4-1/2-Inch steak knives, 1-Each scissors, 1-Each wood block, 6 -Piece kitchen tool set, 1-Each cutting board, 1-Each 6-Inch fork, 1-Each 4-Inch tomato knife, 1-Each 3-Inch cheese knife.Chicago Cutlery Basics Poly collection combines the versatility of polymer handles and the ease of serrated never need sharpening blades. Each knife is constructed of extra-thick stamped high-carbon stainless steel which provide ultimate strength and control while in use.