by Varathi
Buy new: $14.99
(Visit the Best Sellers in Reusable Grocery Bags list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Average family throws away at least 10 plastic grocery bags (the
bags we pick from the rolls to fill fruits and
vegetables in the grocery stores) a week.
Ultimately these will end up in land fills,
contaminates drinking water, harms marine life to name few.
With the reusable bags you get to do everything you currently do with non-reusable bags (pick up grocery, check out, and carry in tote bags).
Store the grocery as is in refrigerator and reuse.
Set of 10 bags:
- assorted colors
- multiple sizes suitable for various types of produce. Approximate dimensions:
- 8" X 10" (4 pieces)
- 10" X 12" (4 pieces)
- 12" X 14" (2 pieces).
May not be suitable to store leafy vegetables based on some customer feedback.