by Rack Sack
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Big bulky garbage bins can clutter up the kitchen. But the Rack Sack Kitchen Waste Disposal System takes out the trash, and saves space too! This righteous rack is a must-have in any modern home! The Rack Sack rack is made from durable metal with a white non-scratch coating. The classic white plastic lid forms a solid seal. The design is simple: just place the included roll of 3-gallon bags in the bag cradle at the lower end of the rack. Pull the open end of the first bag over the rack opening. Place trash inside, then when full, just pull the bag out of the rack and roll another in its place! Plus, the Rack Sack works great with plastic grocery bags as well. Simply install the Rack Sack on the inside of a cabinet or cupboard door, and you'll have a neat, tidy, convenient trash bin that stays totally out of sight! This sleek and stylish system works great in the kitchen, bathroom, workshop and beyond. Get yours and clean up today!