by Idea Mia, LLC
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Traveling with wine-or other liquids-is a tricky prospect at best. Heightened security and restrictions mean your wine purchases end up in your checked luggage. How do you ensure that your wine will arrive safely when your suitcase is thrown on to luggage belts and jostled inside airplanes? You need to find a way to protect your wine bottles, and also make sure that your clothes won't be ruined if they do get broken. And this set of 3 JetBags is just the answer. The JetBag is the perfect way to transport wine (or any other liquids) in your suitcase when traveling. A biodegradable carrier with a reusable zip seal closure, the JetBag completely secures your liquids. Lined with the same absorbent materials found in baby diapers, the JetBag pads and helps protect your bottle from breakage-and absorbs the liquid should something still cause damage to the bottle. The JetBag is an inexpensive and lightweight solution to give you the ultimate protection for your breakable purchases-and you don't have to limit its use to wine. The JetBag is also a great way to transport liquor, perfume, vinegar-any liquid contained in a breakable bottle. As an added bonus, the JetBag has a resalable closure, so if no spillage occurs, you can use it again and again.