by Capresso
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This 10-cup glass coffee carafe functions as a replacement carafe for the Capresso CoffeeTEAM model 452, 453, 454, and Coffee/Espresso Combo 351. The glass carafe provides a snap-on lid, a generous easy-grip handle, a drip-free pour spout, and helpful measurement markings up the side. Clean the glass carafe and its lid in a solution of hot water and mild soap. For convenience, the glass carafe can be put in the dishwasher's upper level, away from any heating element (remove snap-on lid before placing in dishwasher). The replacement carafe measures approximately 8 by 6 by 4-4/5 inches.
Replacement 10-cup Glass Coffee Carafe with Black Lid and Handle for Capresso CoffeeTEAM model: 452, 453, 454 and Coffee/Espresso Combo #351