by Mr. Root Beer
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When it comes to root beer, few things beat the genuine flavor of fresh-brewed and homemade--and both can be effortlessly achieved with help from this all-inclusive root-beer-making kit. The simple-to-use kit comes with everything required to brew and bottle two gallons of creamy old-fashioned root beer, including one bottle of root-beer extract, two packets of flavor crystals, one packet of root-beer yeast, and four plastic 1-liter bottles that can be reused with each batch, as well as four plastic screw caps and pressure-relief gaskets, which help to maintain root beer's signature carbonation and that release excess pressure for safety. The kit also provides four adhesive-backed bottle labels, one plastic funnel for easily transferring ingredients into the narrow-necked bottles, and a packet of no-rinse cleanser. User-friendly brewing instructions accompany the kit, as well as science-project suggestions, root-beer fun facts, and more. Additional root-beer refill packs can be purchased separately as needed. A great gift idea, the home root-beer-making kit measures approximately 7 by 12 by 7 inches.
The most complete root beer making kit. Includes root beer mix, flavor crystals, root beer yeast, cleanser, bottles, funnel, and root beer guide/instructions.