by Mr. Beer
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Home brewing with the Mr. Beer keg becomes an experiment in flavor with this variety pack. Three cans of beer mix--Vienna Lager, Canadian Draft, and Weizenbier--let the brewer sample different blends of premium beers. Each can produces twenty 12-ounce bottles of beer. Also included are three single-use booster packs that contain all-natural maltodextrins. True to its name, booster not only enhances beer flavor, body, and balance, but "boosts" the alcohol content of the beer. After seven days brewing in the keg, and seven days of natural carbonation in the bottle, the beer is ready to be chilled and enjoyed. --Ann Bieri
The three beer mix Variety Pack contains everything needed to brew an additional three batches (3 cases) of premium beer. Includes Whispering Wheat Weizenbier, High Country Canadian Draft, and Octoberfest Vienna Lager flavor beer mixes, 3 Booster Packs for flavor enhancement and alcohol boost, and 3 One-Step cleanser.