by Mr. Beer
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This kit includes two of our most popular beer mixes, specifically designed to appeal to the largest number of potential brewers. A great starting point for a beginning and intermediate brewers, it includes two of Mr. Beer's most popular beer mixes as well as everything needed to both brew and bottle your first 2 batches of top-quality beer. The kit also comes with a fermenter with lid and tap assembly, 8 reusable plastic 1 liter bottles (with caps), 8 Mr. Beer labels, a Brewing with Mr. Beer brewer's guide, and a quick-start guide.
Specifically designed to appeal to the largest number of potential brewers, this kit includes the following brew refills:
- Classic American Blonde Ale with Booster -- This beer is smooth and mild in flavor with a crisp, dry finish, this American Blonde Ale truly represents our nation's favorite beer. Serve ice cold for a clean, refreshing taste that has passed the test of time.
- Cowboy Golden Lager with Booster -- This recipe has all the ingredients you need to make a pale gold lager with extraordinary hop flavor and smoothness.
Everything required to brew 2 batches (4 gallons) of beer at home. Includes: brew keg, 2 standard refill brew packs (Classic American and Cowboy Lager), 8 re-usable 1-liter bottles w/caps and labels, Brewing w/Mr. Beer Booklet and easy to follow instructions.