by Vic Firth USA
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Vic Firth's elegant stainless-steel Pump and Grind salt mill works with just one hand. A large button on the top of the mill is pushed with the thumb to operate the grinding mechanism, making the mill a snap to grab in order to salt a dish while stirring with the other hand. Producing freshly ground salt ranging from coarse to fine, the grinding mechanism works effortlessly and removes for easy cleaning.
Six inches tall and quite slim, the Pump and Grind features a patented viewing window for distinguishing the salt mill from its matching pepper mill counterpart, and for viewing the level of salt crystals in order to prevent a shortage at a crucial moment. Vic Firth salt mills are fitted with nylon mechanisms, while those on the pepper mills are stainless-steel. Vic Firth backs the long-lasting mill with a lifetime guarantee. --Ann Bieri
Vic Firth new stainless steel Pump & Grind salt mill features one handed grind action for easy use. Simply press down on the grind mechanism button on top and enjoy your fresh ground salt.