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No more burned cakes from a timer that couldn't be heard in the next room. This model not only has an extra-loud alarm but extra-big digits, so you can read it from afar. Easy to use, the timer simply has a start/stop button and two buttons for minutes and seconds. The timer counts either up or down, so it can be used as a stopwatch, with 100 minutes as the max. From a countdown mode, once the timer hits zero it begins counting up, so you know how much time has elapsed just in case you do miss the ring.
The go-anywhere timer has a magnet for sticking to the refrigerator, a clip for a pocket or apron, and a stand for setting on the counter. One AAA battery required for operation is included. --Ann Bieri
This timer counts up and down by minutes and seconds up to 100 minutes.There is a loud and long alarm function. Also has a stop and restart function. It's made of food safe ABS plastic and one AAA battery is included. Can be mounted 3 ways: magnetic strip, clip and stand. Measures 3.5 " x 2.5 " x .5 "