by Vinturi
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Specially designed for white wine, the Vinturi Essential White Wine Aerator delivers a better bouquet, enhanced flavors and smoother finish to your favorite Chardonnay, Viognier or Sauvignon Blanc. When wine is poured in the Vinturi, its design creates an increase in the wine's velocity and a decrease in its pressure. This pressure difference draws in air, which is mixed with wine for perfect aeration. Sample the nose. You'll appreciate the subtle aromatic differences and the full aroma of the wine, and you'll notice that the wine is more flavorful and has better mouthfeel. Made of acrylic, it comes with a no-drip stand. Both the aerator and stand are dishwasher safe.
White wine needs to breathe tool Introducing the only way to effectively aerate white wine. It is a longstanding myth that white wine does not need aeration. The truth is that white wine displays the same improvements with aeration as red wine. Vinturi for white wine is specially designed to aerate white wine exclusively. Vinturi delivers recognizable improvements immediately: better bouquet, enhanced flavors and smoother finish. White wine is able to express itself the way the winemaker intended. Perfect aeration in the time it takes to pour a glass. Couldn't be easier. Comes with a no-drip stand. Acrylic. Aerator and stand are dishwasher safe. Note: During manufacturing, material folds around rods and wraps back resulting in two slight fold lines these lines extend up from each air hole and are normal.