by Metrokane
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Metrokane, founded in 1983, produces the world's leading line of wine accessories, including the famous Rabbit corkscrew, and continues to develop a host of fresh and innovative tools. "Just pour and taste the difference", with the Amazon exclusive Metrokane wine aerating pourer and set of 2 silicone stoppers. Simply insert the Rabbit Aerating Pourer into a wine bottle as you would a conventional pourer. When you pour the wine you see and hear aeration happening. When you taste it, you enjoy the enhanced flavor and bouquet of perfectly aerated red wine. If you can't finish your bottles of wine, use the Metrokane silicone and stainless stoppers to provide an airtight seal. This set of 2 stoppers comes in bright green and blue and they are dishwasher safe. Each aerating pourer separates for hand washing and stores in it's own case.