by Sante
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Sushezi helps you make perfectly round, restaurant-quality sushi in your own kitchen. The innovative tube is easy to use. Simply fill each half of the plastic tube with rice. Using the included plunger, make grooves in each half and add your other ingredients. Then replace the plunger, clip the tube together, turn the plunger to compress the rice, and remove the end cap. Plunge the rice right through the tube onto a nori sheet. After rolling up the nori sheet, use a wet, clean knife to create round slices. The Sushezi also can be used to create cake rolls, biscuit cookies, nut logs, mince patties, and candy sushi. It’s dishwasher-safe and measures 12 inches by 2-1/2 inches by 2-1/2 inches.
Sushezi - Perfect sushi made easy. Perfect sushi is no longer an expensive restaurant food. Professional, round sushi can now be created in your own kitchen with your own choice of fillings. With just three easy steps, you can make roll after roll, and will have your guests coming back for more. With easy-to-follow instructions, the Sushezi creates perfectly formed sushi quickly and reliably with no guesswork and no trial and crror. Using your own choice of imaginative fillings, everyone will enjoy making their own personalized sushi rolls. The Sushezi can also be used for a variety of dessert tiems. Walnut rolls, fudge rolls, cake rolls, and slice and bake cookies are just a few of the possibilities. Kids will love to make their own rice crispy rolls, and will enjoy being able to make their own personal candy sushi.