by American Weigh
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Take a handy little digital scale on the go and weigh items up to 20 grams in 0.001 gram increments. The little scale is great for weighing precious gems and other valuables. Its flip-down shield protects the delicate weighing surface. A removable stainless-steel weighing platform makes removing samples easy. The scale's included carrying case comes with tweezers, a tray, and a calibration weight. The unit is powered by 2 AAA batteries, which come included, and is backed by a 10-year warranty.
The new Gemini-20 milligram scale offers a 1 milligram readability with a 20g capacity. The removable stainless steel weighing platform makes removing samples easy. Great for weighing precious gems and other valuables. Includes case with weight. All scales backed by our 10 year warranty.