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SousVide Supreme Sous Vide Water Oven. The SousVide Supreme is the worlds first water oven designed specifically to bring the gourmet sous vide cooking method into home and small restaurant kitchens. Sous vide cooking locks in the flavor and preserves the nutritional quality of whatever food is cooked inside. The result is food of incomparable taste and texture: steak perfectly cooked edge-to-edge, vibrant vegetables, juicy tender chicken breasts, and ribs with the meat literally falling off the bone. All at the push of a button. Features: Sleek all-in-one design Precise temperature control to 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.5 degrees Celsius) Energy efficient engineering Quiet operation Push button simplicity Lid doubles as drip tray for pouch transport Universal rack for easy positioning of cooking pouches Counter worthy style in a small footprint (size of a bread maker) 14.2" x 11.5" x 11.4" - 13 lbs.