by Rubber-Cal
Buy new: $26.00
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Rubber-Cal's Bubble-Top is a natural rubber anti-fatigue mat that is available in 5 border colors and is perfect for the heavy-duty commercial and residential areas requiring durable anti-fatigue comfort. Being that this mat is made from natural rubber, this is an ecologically responsible product. Natural rubber is an extremely comfortable and supple material and offers superior anti-fatigue underfoot comfort and support to make long hours of walking, working, and standing far more comfortable. The resilience of the natural rubber also provides protection to parts and equipment that may be dropped on the floor. The Bubble-Top dome or cellular rubber structure helps trap air in the subsurface of the dome, hence offer bounce back support, thus making for a comfortable surface to stand on. Bubble-Top is designed to be far more durable than foam or sponge products. Being a very lightweight product this mat can be easily moved and cleaned by anyone. In manufacturing or assembly areas, safety is the number one goal and the high coefficient of friction (i.e. slip resistance) found in natural rubber maintains excellent traction even when the mat is wet. Moreover, with 5 border colors available you can easily visually define the area of the mat reducing trip hazards and thus increasing safety.