by Shun
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A member of the stylish Shun Classic line, this durable paring knife deftly handles intricate dicing and trimming tasks alongside its requisite peeling and skin-removal role. The paring knifes compact size makes it easy to handle and thus a favorite when control and precision are a priority. The tool features a narrow sloping blade measuring 3-1/2 inches in length with a piercing tip.
Leveraging a 90-year history of superior workmanship, Shun knives are precision-forged in Japan by renowned blade manufacturer KAI. Using technologically advanced processes, a VG-10 "super steel" core is clad with 16 layers of high-carbon stainless steel to produce a rust-free Damascus-look blade. The Damascus detailing not only enhances the knifes aesthetic appeal, it also prevents morsels from sticking and avoids crushing or damaging foods. Forming a comfortable D-shaped hold, a fused blend of hardwood veneers and resin comprise the unique ebony Pakkawood handle. A traditionally offset stainless-steel bolster protects knuckles while a steel end-cap finishes the piece. Although dishwasher-safe, hand washing is recommended. This product includes a lifetime warranty. -- Amy Arnold