by Pyrex
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Renowned Pyrex glass measuring cups are fantastic tools in any kitchen. Made in the USA of ultra-durable, non-porous glass, the measuring cup won't absorb odors, flavors, or stains, nor will it impart them. Comfortable and easy to use, the measuring cup is made with an ergonomically designed handle and easy-to-read red markers. It has a 2-cup capacity, great for most basic recipes. While it is dishwasher safe, it's best to wash the cup by hand since, over time, the dishwasher can affect the measurement markers on the exterior.
Pyrex Prepware 2-cup measuring cup includes 1-each 2-cup measuring cup with red graphics. Whether you are preparing a multi-course meal or simply a snack for one, Pyrex offers products which make food preparation a little easier, from beginning to end. There's no substitute for Pyrex, the original glass bakeware. Introduced 90 years ago and made of a durable, high temperature material, Pyrex remains the ideal medium for safe, dependable food preparation.