by RoussoUSA
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Flat Black Anti-Fatigue Chief Kitchen Mats, was designed for medical institutions several years ago. Use it as a kitchen floor mat, a laundry room mat, a bathroom mat, or even as a utility mat in your garage, you will be standing in comfort. It is not only a great Anti-Fatigue mat, it may be used for many other applications, even holds up well in wet areas or outdoors and may by also used under most area rugs.Memory Foam Gel Technology has dramatically improved Anti-Fatigue Mats. Our ordinal Basket Weave is 1/2" thick and provides enough cushion to make a real difference vs. standing directly on the floor, but it also feels stable while you're standing on it. You don't feel as if I'm sinking into the cushion or off-balance, but you will definitely feel better at the end of the day than they did before I started using the mat. You will get as much if not more fatigue relief with this mat as any for the more expensive Gel Mats, it it may also be used under a carpet for both beauty and comfort. This is our first Rubberized Gel Foam Anti-Fatigue that was designed for medical institutions several years ago. It is not only a great Anti-Fatigue mat, it may be used for many other applications, even holds up well outdoors., The anti-slip feature holds the mat secure when you are standing on it and loose enough to keep one from tripping on the edge when not in use. Each mat is 20" wide by 36" long and �" thick, Reducing pressure of back muscles on the spine and strain - Stimulating circulation on the feet and legs- Encouraging changes in posture frequently for preventing stiffness at joints and muscles, Rubberized Gel Foam also has the features of water resistance, good in oil resistance. Gel is a jelly-like material, by weight gels are mostly liquid yet they behave like solids due to a three-dimensional cross-linked network. Our Gel Mats are made of the most advanced patented Gel-Foam to create world's most comfortable anti-fatigue floor mat.