by Arthur Court Designs
Buy new: $49.00
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Arthur Court Designs produces an abundance of decorative accessories for the home, particularly the kitchen and table. Many feature intricately detailed animals, like this whimsical rooster paper towel holder. Made of an attractive, pewter-like aluminum alloy, the towel holder consists of a base resembling straw, a rooster crowing on a gate, and a nesting hen atop the center pole. The hen unscrews for the towel roll to slip on, and the rooster holds the roll snugly for tearing.
Consumers can feel good about buying Arthur Court products: A portion of all sales goes to fund wilderness and wildlife conservation, as well as environmental research and education. Owners Arthur and Elena Court live in the San Francisco area and create their artistic designs based on their extensive world travels. To preserve the polished luster of the metal, the 14-by-7-inch paper towel holder should be washed and dried by hand, never in the dishwasher. --Ann Bieri
Whimsical and attractive, this Arthur Court rooster paper towel holder features a square base with open fretwork, while the piece that extends up one side to hold the towels in place features a barn door design with a crowing rooster perched on top. A rooster hen sits on the top section, which screws on easily once your towels are placed over the inner rod. The metal is manufactured using Arthur Court's signature premium aluminum alloy.