by American Era
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Enjoy Theater Style Popcorn the old-fashion way with this Deluxe Popcorn Maker by American Era. Uses hot air, not oil for a healthy low-calorie treat for the whole family. Use the included butter warmer to add additional flavor just like at the movies. Popper sets up in minutes and cleans up easy with soap and water. Remember this is an air popper. Air poppers work with a flow of super hot air circulating through the kernels. Because of the way air poppers heat verses oil poppers, the popcorn is lighter, fluffier and much healthier. The only downside of an air popper is that it does produce a few more unpopped kernels. The overall cost to make popcorn is reduced because you don't need to purchase oil. You won't find a better popcorn maker for the price. This is a low price great value item.