by Chicago Cutlery
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When used regularly, all knives need regular maintenance to keep blades sharp and to prolong life. While a standard steel like the ones that come with a block set will polish a knife edge, true sharpening actually helps create a new edge by taking off a bit of metal. This is a tricky process to master, and done wrong, it can actually wear down blades before their time. Chicago Cutlerys MagnaSharp Mouse removes the guesswork from knife sharpening by controlling the angle of exposure to the ceramic rods inside. Featuring an exterior made from durable molded plastic, its playful design combines the ergonomic ease of a computer mouse with simple, safe pull-through technology. Simply slide any fine-edged knife or scissor blade through the sharpening slot while applying a slight downward pressure; repeated three to five times, this process re-aligns and sharpens even dull edges to like-new condition. Because the sharpening rods are on the inside, they cant be damaged when not in use. The MagnaSharp mouse is compact enough to fit in even a crowded drawer, but it also features a magnetic back for easy storage on the refrigerator, stove, or wherever you keep and use your knives. It works equally well for either left- or right-handed use. The Mouse is covered by a lifetime guarantee and is not recommended for use with serrated or scalloped edges. --Mary Park
Chicago Cutlery Mouse Knife Sharpener includes 1-Each mouse knife sharpener.Chicago Cutlery MagnaSharp Mouse knife sharpener combines the technology of an easy-to-use pull-though knife sharpener with the ergonomics of a mouse. This comfortable mouse has a sliding knife sharpener so when not in use, it is safe from damage. It is small enough to store in a drawer or, better yet, the back side is a magnet so you can place it on the refrigerator, your stove, or anywhere close to your cutlery. Simply insert your fine edged knife into the sharpening slot and, while applying slight downward pressure on the knife edge, pull the knife through. Repeat this 3-4 times, and your knife edge will be realigned and sharpened. The ceramic rods in the MagnaSharp sharpener will sharpen any fine edge knife, simply, safely and conveniently. Plus, it's really cute!