by Anchor Hocking
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Bubbly root beer float? Creamy vanilla shake? Extra-thick chocolate chip malt? Recreate classic diner desserts--or get creative and invent new favorites--at home with Anchor Hocking’s soda fountainware. Sold in a set of 12, the clear crystal glass vessels feature tall sculpted bowls with panel-cut sides perched on heavy footed bases, just like those found on the Formica counters of the original restaurants. Simply add ice cream, toppings, and a straw, and you’re ready to indulge (perhaps to the tunes of the new fad, Rock and Roll?). The glasses are dishwasher-safe and made in the U.S.
Anchor Hocking is a leading marketer and manufacturer of glass products made right here in the United States of America. Anchor Hocking was founded in 1905--over a hundred years experience making dependable quality glass for use in your home or business! These nostalgic fountainware dishes bring back great memories of days gone by!