by Vacu Vin
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A glass of champagne is one of lifes finest pleasures, but for many of us, more than that adds up to a headache served in a stylish flute. But what to do with those opened and unfinished bottles? Like wine, champagne both changes its taste and loses its heavenly bubbles when exposed to air. The Vacu Vin champagne saver solves the problem with a unique locking design that re-seals the bottle after every use. Simply raise the lever to open and pour; the surface of the Vacu Vin prevents drips and returns excess champagne to the bottle. Closing the same lever keeps the champagne fresh and full of bubbles, letting you enjoy the same bottle for several days without wasting a drop. --Mary Park
Champagne saver is designed to keep the bubbles and minimize oxidation; once locked on to the bottle, the handle opens to allow perfect non drip pouring