by Anchor Hocking
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Enjoy an early morning French Roast, afternoon pick-me-up cappuccino, or late evening chamomile tea in this richly hued café mug by Anchor Hocking. Sold in a set of six, the oversized mocha glass vessels each hold a generous 16 ounces and feature tall sides with a smoothly rounded lip, wide handle, and sturdy footed base. They are also dishwasher-safe so they’re perfect for everyday use and enjoyment. Just brew and enjoy! Made in the U.S.
Anchor Hocking is a leading marketer and manufacturer of glass products made right here in the United States of America. Anchor Hocking was founded in 1905, and has over a hundred years experience making dependable, quality glass for use in your home or business. Anchor Hocking produces glassware that people can use in their homes every day.