by Primo
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Like Russian babushka dolls, the Primo 900116 hot and cold bottled water dispenser continues to offer pleasant surprises one after another. This unit boasts three separate water temperatures at cold, cool, and near-boiling hot to meet a full day's worth of water-based needs!
Convenience Anywhere
Changing the way you flow through your day, the Primo 900116 hot and cold bottled water dispenser makes collecting hot and cold water as simple as pushing a button!
A Responsible Choice
Did you know that a single Primo 5 gallon water bottle saves over 1,000 PET bottles from the landfill? Think of the difference you make to the planet simply by enjoying Adam's ale from a convenient Primo water dispenser.
A Healthier Lifestyle
Prevent dry, cracked skin, headaches, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes by staying fully hydrated throughout your day. With a Primo water cooler you replenish your system with clean, chemical-free H2O!
Superior Design
The Primo 900116 hot and cold bottled water dispenser features a superior design with a high-flow mechanism for twice as fast dispensing, a child-safety lock, superior recovery rate, and Energy Star approval!