by Heineken
Buy new: $19.89
2 used & new from $19.82
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Secure a perfect fit between the BeerTender home beer-tap system and a Heineken or Heineken Premium Light DraughtKeg thanks to this 10-count package of BeerTender tubes. Each new DraughtKeg requires a fresh tube and installation's a snap. Step-by-step instructions are available right on the bag, which measures 15-2/5 by 10-2/3 by 1-8/9 inches.
BeerTender tubes connect the Heineken or Heineken Premium Light DraughtKeg to the BeerTender tap. The patented BeerTender tube is designed specifically for the Heineken Premium Light DraughtKeg. Ensures a perfect fit between BeerTender and DraughtKeg. To ensure that every glass of beer tastes as perfectly as it is poured, a new BeerTender tube must be use with each new Heineken or Heineken Premium Light DraughtKeg you load into the BeerTender. Each bag contains 10 BeerTender Tubes.