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All-wood Kitchen Cart offers storage and meals on wheels. ON SALE! Here's an attractive, functional furniture piece that fits in your home, your cabin, anywhere! Convenient drop-down breakfast bar for 2. Sturdy casters give it room-to-room mobility. Load it up... built-in cabinets, drawers and racks offer storage galore. Versatility, quality, value: Solid hardwood construction in natural finish; 2 storage cabinets with raised panel doors, 1 adjustable shelf in each; 4 center storage drawers are easy-glide; Convenient drop-down extension allows tabletop and seating for two; Built-in spice rack, towel bar and paper towel holder; Sturdy locking rubber casters; 53 x 19.25 x 36"h., 36" depth when drop-down extended, weighs 149 lbs. Simple assembly required. Imported. Don't wait! Please Note: This is a Heavy / Bulky item. $38.00 for heavy / bulky shipping and handling will be charged in addition to regular shipping and handling. All-wood Kitchen Cart