by Spiegelau
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3 used & new from $63.75
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One of the most prominent lines in the Spiegelau assortment, with a long history of pleasing wine drinkers, these Spiegelau Vino Grande wine glasses feature generous bowls that allow the bouquet to fully develop in the wines they are designed for. A favored choice of restaurateurs and sommeliers all over the globe, these stems are sought out by wine experts for their ultimate wine drinking experience. This set includes four Bordeaux glasses that are designed to enhance the flavor and bouquet of bigger reds, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, and Red Bordeaux. The set also includes four White wine glasses that are designed to enhance the flavor and bouquet of whites such Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Gris, and these stems work well as general purpose white wine. Buy 6 get 8