by Soehnle
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The big brother of Soehnle's popular Page scale, the Page Profi measures accurately within 1 g/0.1-ounce, all with our patented soft-touch controls. This super-slender scale has an extra-large weighing platform with a smooth glass surface that is easy to clean. The convenient tare function allows you to weigh over-sized items, and the read-out remains 10 seconds after the weighing process. Perfect for kitchen, the office and all around the home, Sohenle scales are made with the understanding that the desire driving so many of us into the kitchen is more than just a fad. Cooking and baking brings family and friends together in ways that are meaningful. Each Soehnle Digital scale is made with this in mind. Precise measurements, accuracy, style and instant read-outs help you create those delicious dishes to be share and remembered.