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This all-purpose activator kick-starts the compost process with essential organisms and nutrients that efficiently break down organic material. Transform common yard waste--such as lawn clippings, dead leaves, pine needles, and twigs--into compost within 60 to 90 days. Use the rich humus that results as fertilizer or mulch, or double dig into a vegetable or flower bed for an exceptional soil amendment. This two-pound box contains enough activator for several batches of compost. --Mary Park
This all-purpose activator kick-starts the compost process with essential organisms and nutrients that efficiently break down organic material. Transform common yard waste--such as lawn clippings, dead leaves, pine needles, and twigs--into compost within 60 to 90 days. Use the rich humus that results as fertilizer or mulch, or double dig into a vegetable or flower bed for an exceptional soil amendment. This two-pound box contains enough activator for several batches of compost. --Mary Park