by KitchenCue
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KitchenCUE is a DVD cooking course that teaches you how to cook, rather than how to make a recipe, and this first volume of the instructional DVD series--Sautes and Pan Sauces--will help you to easily make a wide range of sauteed dishes (including salmon and pork chops) paired with delicious sauces. The KitchenCUE DVDs teach you how to cook using a powerful, interactive, educational methodology. A distinctly different approach from other recipe based programming; you gain skills that you will use again and again after only the first use. It provides you freedom from the confines of recipes and instills confidence because you better understand how and why things work. A professional culinary instructor and accomplished chef teaches you the secrets to building an innovative and comprehensive approach to cooking, and the instruction incorporates all three learning methods--visual, audio, and kinesthetic--so you better understand and retain the information. This package includes the DVD, 28-page booklet with technique recipes, quick reference guide, common conversions, abbreviations and equivalents and glossary.
KitchenCUE is everything you didn’t know about cooking. Finally, a product that does more than simply show me how to make a recipe. You know, great cooks are made, not born. Most people, who aren’t good cooks, aren’t good cooks because they’ve never been taught the insights of cooking. KitchenCUE changes all that by providing an interactive way in understanding how and why things work. Just imagine having your own personal chef show you how to properly use your knife, choose the right herb or spice, use regional ingredients to craft international cuisine, select the right wine to accent flavors, step-by-step cooking techniques, and so much more. As you cook side-by-side in real time you see, do and learn proven chef-techniques. A distinctly different approach to other television and recipe-based programming; KitchenCUE works with you, at your pace, teaching you the easily repeatable steps of the technique. With each volume, you’ll make your recipe books better, enjoy your kitchens more, and once again add variety to your meal routine. In this volume, culinary educator and professional chef Shellie Kark, guides viewers through the processes of Sautes & Pan Sauces by revealing their common steps. Then, those steps are reinforced through recipes written to solidify the technique. Tables of ingredients guide you through hundreds of meal options allowing you to cook what you want according to your taste and preference—the way you like it? Learn how to substitute ingredients successfully, set up a cooking station, pick the right equipment, pairing the right food & wine, salting and seasoning tricks, knife sharpening training, and other culinary insights. Includes DVD, 24 page booklet with technique-based recipes, quick reference guide, common conversions, abbreviations and equivalents and an ever so useful glossary. Enrich your life, by becoming a better and more confident cook.