by KitchenAid
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Equipped with a powerful yet quiet motor, this lightweight five-speed hand mixer features turbo-powered beaters and an electronic mixing sensor to efficiently whip cream, mix cake batters, beat eggs, and more. The unit's well-balanced ergonomic design eases mixing fatigue, and its handle is angled to minimize wrist strain. Other highlights include an oversized beater-ejector button, a rounded power cord, protected air vents, and a stable heel rest. To clean, wash the beaters in hot, soapy water and wipe the body with a clean, damp cloth. The mixer measures 7-1/2 inches long by 6-1/2 inches high and carries a one-year full warranty.
Versatility, durability and reliability have made KitchenAid the first choice of home gourmet cooks for generations. From cookware to small appliances to accessories, KitchenAid is a name you can depend on. The 5-speed Ultra Power Hand Mixer is the choice of a new generation with modern features that include an electronic mixing sensor, turbo-powered beaters, 5-speed control, and an ergonomically-designed comfort handle. Carries KitchenAid's hassle-free total replacement warranty as well as a 1-year full warranty. Model #KHM5DHW.