by Aprilaire
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This genuine Aprilaire 413 Filter, is the replacement filter used in the Aprilaire model 4400 and model 2410 Air Cleaners. These filters are factory fresh from the Aprilaire manufacturing facility in Wisconsin. These filters can also be used in an Aprilaire 2400, Spacegard 2400, Aprilaire 2410, or Spacegard 2410 ONLY if the Aprilaire model 1413 upgrade kit has been installed. The Aprilaire 413 Filter Replacement Media removes up to 99% of pollen, mold, spores, dust and other airborne allergens from your air. This replacement filter for the Aprilaire 4400 or Aprilaire 2410 air cleaners will also remove tobacco smoke and other smudging particulates. Because this is a genuine Aprilaire filter media replacement, it features Aprilaire's patented SelfSeal to ensure a proper seal and easy installation. The Aprilaire 413 filter has a MERV 13 rating. The nominal dimensions of this filter are 27x16x6 when installed. This filter should be replaced annually. The frequency of change will depend on the size of your heating and cooling equipment as well as the conditions in your home. People who smoke, have pets, or recently completed home renovations should change their filter more frequently. This is a genuine Aprilaire replacement filter (note the correct spelling is Aprilaire, and not April Air, April Aire or Aprilair).