by Keurig
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Exclusive to the Keurig Home Brewing System, this reusable K-Cup coffee filter allows users to enjoy their own gourmet ground coffee in a Keurig brewer. Made of a mesh metal filter with durable plastic framing, the unit can hold up to about 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. The black plastic K-Cup holder from the coffeemaker's filter assembly must first be removed before using the reusable coffee filter. After each use, remove the filter to rinse it clean under running water. It's then ready to use again for brewing more cups of coffee. The filter only works in Keurig home brewers B40 Elite, B50 Ultra, and B60 Special Edition. It does not fit B100, B100P, or B2000/3 Keurig brewers.
My K-Cup Reusable coffee filter - Use your own gourmet coffee in a reusable filter. Exclusive to the Keurig Home Brewing System.