by Haier
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7 used & new from $534.00
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Keep up to 50 bottles of wine properly chilled with this attractive wine cellar. The unit's electronic temperature control, with an LED read-out, makes it easy to adjust the temperature--great for accommodating both red and white wines. In addition, it provides six chrome storage racks that securely cradle standard-size bottles and that glide in and out for easy access. The appliance comes with a full-view double-pane glass door that can be set to open from either the left or the right side, and its soft interior light helps showcase the collection. Other highlights include a full-length door handle, brushed-aluminum door trim, and a sleek look that will be sure to compliment any decor. Built-in or freestanding, the UL- and CUL-approved wine cellar measures 23-3/4 by 23-7/8 by 34-1/4 inches.