by Bormioli Rocco
Buy new: $6.51
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Store liquids in an easily accessible container, and start using this swing top glass bottle by Bormioli Rocco. designed for ease of use and quick accessibility, the bottle is made of clear glass to clearly show the contents, and uses a swing top lid. This lid allows for a large aperture and so will quickly pour out the bottle's contents. Extremely flexible, the bottle is suitable for use with drinks and liquid foods, including the hot stuff, due to its heat resistance. Additionally, the the leak proof system helps avoid spills and messy accidents.
Bormioli Rocco has been producing fine Italian glasses since the middle ages, and has constantly evolved and improved their techniques and products through tireless innovation. This vast historical knowledge and experience has resulted in some of the finest glasswares ever created, which have now become available to international markets. Their latest works combine the excellence of traditional glass making with the elegance and efficiencies of modern production; the result is unbeatable design and performance.