by Thermos Nissan
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Virtually unbreakable, this lightweight, vacuum-insulated thermos travels to work or your favorite recreation spot. On arrival, and for hours afterward, coffee, tea, or soup will still be hot. Or lemonade, pasta salad, or a sports drink will still be chilled. Compact (7 inches high) and shapely, this thermos has a "waist" for firm gripping indented in its satin-finish exterior and tough, nonslip, black plastic top and bottom. There's a choice of two twist tops, one for coffee and another, with a stainless steel strainer, for tea--each has a sip-hole, and a cap twists onto either to prevent spills. Fine threading ensures tops and cap seal tightly, while the smooth interior cleans with sponge or cloth. Preheating or prechilling with hot or cold water is recommended. --Fred Brack
Thermos JML350P6 Thermos JML350P6 Thermos