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This patented design lets users create flavored, infused oils in a spray bottle that won't get clogged with herbs or spices. The Oil Mister is made from BPA-free, sterilizable glass, and its beautiful styling lets it move effortlessly from kitchen prep areas to tabletop display. The unique filtering system allows users to include fresh ingredients like herbs, spices, chili peppers, and garlic without worrying about clogging the sprayer. A healthy way to add more flavor with less fat, the Oil Mister is a great system for greasing pans, flavoring browning meat, seasoning salads, misting cookie trays, or making pancakes.
Our new Tabletop Mister is the first BPA-free, sterilizable glass mister with a patented filtering system that allows the user to create their own flavored oils by infusing fresh herbs, spices or even ingredients like chili peppers and garlic without clogging the sprayer. Perfect for greasing pans and preventing food from sticking. Great for browning meat, and seasoning salads, misting cookie trays, or making pancakes. Our oil mister is the healthy way to add more flavor with less fat. Ensure a thin even coating of oil or other sprays. Beautiful styling fits perfectly in any kitchen or on any dining table.