by Jokari
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Unless you're prone to malaria, it's a decent bet you won't finish a bottle of quinine-laced tonic water at one sitting--likewise, that bottle of sugar- and caffeine-free Coca-Cola that was brought to a Pepsi Lovers' picnic. And if there's anything sadder than a fizzless, half-filled bottle of cream soda taking up refrigerator space, please keep it to yourself. How to preserve the fizz in that 1-, 1.5-, or 2-liter bottle that wasn't finished? Jokari has created a solution with the Fizz-Keeper pump cap, a simple device just over 3 inches tall that screws onto the bottle's neck, replacing the existing cap. By repeatedly raising and lowering the simple piston until the sides of the plastic bottle (it's not for use with glass bottles) don't compress, you've effectively created an airtight seal and equalized the internal pressure. As the name "Fizz-Keeper" suggests, it's all in an effort to ensure that Saturday's soda makes a gin and tonic effervescently refreshing, even on a Tuesday. --Tony Mason
Nothing is worse than sitting down with your ice cold cola, only to discover that is flat. Using Jokari's fizz keeper pump, you can re-pressurize your two liter bottles so that they retain their carbonation. Simply press down on the easy to use hand pump, and make sure the seal is tight. With pumping, the soda's elongated life can now last for weeks.