by Haier
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4 used & new from $410.16
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Equipped with a compressor cooling system, this attractive wine cellar keeps up to 26 bottles of wine properly chilled and ready to enjoy. Its electronic temperature control, with an LED display, allows for easily adjusting the temperature from 41 to 64 degrees F to accommodate both red and white wines. In addition to a chrome bottom rack, the unit provides five chrome storage racks with wood trim that securely cradle standard-size bottles and that glide in and out for easy access. The appliance comes with a flat full-view double-pane glass door that can be set to open from either the left or the right side, plus an automatic door stop that prevents the door from slamming, ensuring a soft close that will not disrupt or dislodge the wine. Other highlights include an over-temp alarm function, an interior manual light to showcase the collection, a stainless-steel door handle, a lock and key, front venting, and leveling legs to balance the unit even if placed on uneven ground. Built-in or freestanding, the UL- and CUL-approved wine cellar measures 23-1/8 by 14-7/8 by 34-1/4 inches and carries a one-year warranty with a five-year limited warranty on the compressor.